
This page is for specific information and tools to assist the Researcher community. As Researchers are also members of the Georgia Tech community in different capacities, information pertaining to their primary status can be found in these areas:

Please click each section below for general information for Faculty when using technology on and off campus.

To request support or ask questions about what is available on campus to assist with these suggestions, please visit the Enterprise Service Desk site at

Internet Scanning for Research

Students, faculty, and staff who need to scan the Internet for research purposes should submit a Policy Exception request to be granted an exception to the Acceptable Use policy.

Please see the Internet Scanning page for more information,

Security Research Procedures

If you are conducting research and coursework involving interactions with hosts and networks outside of your own lab environment, please refer tot he Security Research Procedures page for guidelines for doing so.


Georgia Tech is subject to various regulations for which personnel must comply. Research is sometimes specifically subject to regulation based on contractual terms or based on the data itself.

Georgia Tech Cyber Security’s role is to assist with review of the implementation of controls to meet requirements of said regulations and/or contracts, and can assist with recommendations for how to meet controls. However, Georgia Tech Cyber Security does not assist with implementation of controls for regulations and/or contracts, as that is the responsibility of the IT Staff supporting the users and equipment in question.

Should you have work that relates to any of the following regulations or activities specifically, the sites listed below have more information about the regulation/requirement and who to contact. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and is subject to additions based on Georgia Tech’s compliance requirements.

Regulation/ActivityPrimary Website for Information
Human Subjects ResearchGeorgia Tech Research Integrity – Institutional Review Board (Main Page)
DFARS 7012 ResearchOffice of Sponsored Programs (Main Page)
Controlled Unclassified Information (Information Page)
FERPAGeorgia Tech Registrar (Main Page)
GDPRGeorgia Tech EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance Policy
Export ControlGeorgia Tech Research Integrity – Export Control (Main Page)
(Note: IPaT should be your first contact for HIPAA research)
Georgia Tech Institute for People and Technology (IPaT)
PCI DSSGeorgia Tech PCI DSS Program (Information Page)
Georgia Tech Credit Card Processing Policy

Protecting research data is just as important abroad as it is on campus. With that in mind, please review the Travel Guidelines to ensure you take the proper precautions to protect research data when travelling.